Mike Martin Builders

1. Building Plans

We can construct the plan you provide or custom design a plan to fit your family’s needs.


2. Total Investment Estimated

A FREE Bid/Proposal will be prepared for you. Allowances shall be included for your requested amenities to arrive at a total price.

3. Signed Contract

An appraisal of the plans and specs will be provided by your lender. Once approved, the contract shall be prepared and signed.


4. Ground Breaking

Ground breaking will commence with the placement of your home on the lot via surveying & staking.

5. Construction Begins

This is a huge milestone & you want to be sure and document it with a picture! Congrats!

6. Construction Meetings

There will be construction walks at your home site and meetings at MMB office throughout the process to achieve your vision.


7. Third Party Inspection

Your home will be inspected by local authorities. An IECC Performance Evaluation will be provided by a certified provider to certify your home is built to current IECC standards.

8. Welcome Home!


We wish you & your family many special & happy moments in your new & beautiful home!

9. After Care

Our commitment continues long after you’ve move into your home. Trust the care and keeping of your home to those who know it from inside and out!